• Did you know that 13 states* say that Americans living abroad do not allow you to vote if you have never lived in those states even though you have a right to vote as a US citizen. 

  • Did you know there are 19 states that will only accept your ballot by mail and or courier service. If you are live in a country with unreliable or no mail service at all you know how much of a burden this is.

*Oregon ties your voting status to that of your parent's if you have never resided there.

If elected as Delegate I will make sure that these issues are front and center and will not be ignored. 

Voting for the first time from overseas 

This is me voting for the first time as an American living abroad. I was extremely proud to be able to exercise my right to vote at the Global Presidential Primary in 2020 in Amsterdam. 

I was not only voting in the in Global Presidential Primary but also volunteering by setting up the venue, checking voters in, and counting the voted ballots. It was a memorable day.